矢量跑酷 8.8分

The best parkour-inspired action game on iOS is now FREE! Vector lets you break free and run! Don't get caught! -= The Press Loves Vector! =- *****Top-3 upcoming game for iOS devices … It will be fantastic to play this game on Retina Display of new iPad” -- siliconindia.com -- ***** *****The way Vector mimics the movements of real-life parkour practitioners is quite impressive … [I] can’t wait to be entrapped in Vector’s promising mix of direction and magnitude.” -- appadvice.com -- ***** *****Vector is thrilling, rich in variety and it reminds us of Stick Run, but offers much more elaborate animations.” -- fbgamer.de -- ***** *****The only cool way to run from all your problems.” -- Gamezebo.com ***** *****The game looks smashing … ” -- idroidplay.com -- ***** -= Check out what players are saying about Vector! =- "Awesome!", "Wow! Perfect Game, Man", "Greatest game I ever 'ran'!!!", "Woohoo! 5 stars!"... -= What is Vector? =- Vector is an exciting, arcade-style game featuring you as the exceptional free runner who won’t be held down by the system. The game opens with a view into a totalitarian world where freedom and individually is nothing more than a distant dream. But the heart of a freerunner is strong, and you soon break free. Run, vault, slide and climb using extraordinary techniques based on the urban ninja sport of Parkour all while being chased by “Big Brother” who’s sole purpose is to capture you and bring you back. Inspired by the practice and principles of Parkour, Vector’s intuitive controls please players of all levels, and sophisticated level designs challenge the most demanding players with fast-paced timing puzzles as the traceur “flows” over the dystopian rooftops. -= Game Features =- - Arcade gameplay from the makers of the hit Facebook game - Astoundingly lifelike Parkour-inspired moves made possible by Cascadeur animation tools - Awesome, challenging levels, with more and more added with each update - Quick to learn, challenging to master - Also available for iPhone and Facebook!


跑酷游戏曾经一时的风靡,而如今却懈怠不前,出现了难产的情况。我记得跑酷游戏在笔者读初中时是非常喜欢的游戏类型,初二时因很多同学迷恋《天天酷跑》,自己也深陷其中,但后来对游戏品味的提高而弃坑了。今天推荐的这款游戏是Tap上的玩家安利给我的,笔者觉得非常不错,同样的我也安利给各位。《矢量跑酷》(Vector for iPhone)是来自开发商Nekki制作的一款非同凡响的横屏跑酷佳作,它不同于市面上一些毫无节操、喜欢炒冷饭的“妖艳贱货”,也摈弃了普通跑酷惯用的“在逐渐加速下躲避障碍”的设定,独具一格的画面、操作表现力让笔者想为其写贴疯狂打call。游戏故事发生在一个被独裁者(big Brother)支配的世界秩序下,可每个人都是独立的个体,内心深处都渴望着自由,不愿意匍匐在体制化之下。直到一天,主角大脑思维突然苏醒并独立了,他开始尝试逃脱,后来他成功逃了出来,但并未真正摆脱独裁统治,紧随其后的big Brother的士兵正在追捕他,由此主角也开始了一段逃亡的跑酷之旅。

本作采用三星闯关制,有经典(被追逐)和猎人(追逐)两种模式,合计共有六十几个关卡,需要达到一定的星数才能解锁下一关,而且每个关卡都有不同的内容,与市面上那些无尽跑酷玩法相比之下显得更出色。游戏共有三个场景,分别为商业区、建筑工地、科技公园。无论是在城市大厦间飞檐走壁,或者在施工建筑中极限跑酷,亦或是科技公园里亡命奔跑,都是一种别样吃鸡的跑酷体验。游戏画面采用非主流的剪影风格,彩色画面背景的陪衬下,主角和各类障碍物的剪影反而显得更加明显,不会因此而有些喧宾夺主。玩家需要控制角色在这些游戏场景里进行逃亡跑酷,一旦出现多次失误就可能被加了电击buff的Big Brother追上来,导致闯关失败。游戏中的跑酷动作相当酷炫,什么后空翻滚、旋转跳跃、抬脚腾越、助力跳跃等等在当年的跑酷游戏中还是比较新鲜猎奇的,真正做到“无耍酷不跑酷”。前面提到游戏中有大量的跑酷动作,这些帅气的跑酷动作只要一个小指头即可做到。游戏中遇到障碍物只需要上滑屏幕越过或下滑屏幕滑过,遇到加速段也只需右划屏幕加速。看似如此方便的简化操作,实则非常考验玩家对手指的反应力和时机的把控,不容许有太大的失误。最致命的威胁不仅仅是Big Brother,还可能高速飞跃状态下落地地点的失误。




