剑士 7.0分

Sword Man - Monster Hunter is the most addictive 2D side-scrolling RPG filled with collecting various powerful swords through dungeons such as: Bazeguard, Draughtbane, Katana, Ghostwalker,... and more! #Exciting gameplay and immersive content Role in a Bounty Hunter, fight against massive monsters, beat giant bosses, avoid traps, complete heroic quests and get more huge rewards through dungeons! There are many hidden areas somewhere in each dungeon. Explore them and find more rewards. #A ton of items to collect From Normal to Super rare items! Hunting monster to find them. Collect various items to craft and upgrade your swords. Items also can be obtained through opening Chests in Shop. #Break the limits of hero growth through upgrading your weapons Each blade has its own powerful: Shock/freeze/burn out/drain… monsters. For every different blades, various effects and skins are applied. So, which type of blade will you pick? Invest wisely! The more you upgrade your blades, the more you increase your strength in the dangerous adventure. #Beautiful graphic and effect absolutely impress you at the first time Immerses yourself in the cute overload & colorful graphics. Delivers the best in smartphone graphics Sword Man: Monster Hunter in a nutshell: No internet connection required Well-designed with virtual buttons to control your hero easily Stunning costumes: Mercenary, Time traveler, Tiger Kiddo, Ninja Slayer, Asura,... Collect hundreds of rare items through dungeons and opening chests. Explore the beautiful, hand-crafted dungeons of fantasy world. Sword Man - Monster hunter is completely free to download and play but some game items may be purchase for real money. ANNOUNCEMENT: - We cleared all the data of the previous versions. - We already tracked all users (PAUs) who bought our IAP packs. We will gift back those users in live version. - At this version, we renewed so many stuffs to give the best experiences for users. Keep supporting us, we will try to complete our game as fast as we can. - Please write your feelings about this game, we need all your critics. Feel free to comment, or send your review to our mail: swordman@gemmob.com or fan-page https://www.facebook.com/swordmanmonsterhunter/



然后就是最大的败笔,攻击系统。当一个游戏的特殊攻击系统能取得比一般攻击更大的收益时,玩家才有动力去研究特攻的触发和连击。这款游戏最大的问题在于,普攻的伤害是远远高于特攻的 。有一关打蜜蜂,基本靠在空中用转圈圈大法,但转一圈是范围伤害10点,普攻一下是30到40点(不算暴击的话) 。也就是说,我可能需要重复转圈三到四次能清的一波怪,普攻只要两下就能清半片。






游戏的难易度也分配的有问题。还是蜜蜂那关,我刷了四遍才掌握躲避敌人源源不断进攻的技巧,但之后的野猪混合关,几乎毫无难度,即便只是跑动也能顺利过关。 游戏的打击感还算不错,敌人被击杀时的血肉横飞也相当带感,但问题又来了。金币四散逃逸又是什么意思?游戏中破坏宝箱,打碎罐头都会掉落大量的金币,但正如字面意思的,金币像安装了推进器一样,想两个方向快速的飞了出去,以任务的步行速度,根本不可能捡到。而且价值为5的金币暂且不说,价值为25的大金豆几乎是不会停下的,会一直弹直到从地图边界消失。于是游戏最大的难度在于怎么兼顾两边都在跳的金币,以及劲量获取最大的价值了。 金币难以收集这一点致命的问题,会让我这种rpg游戏里什么道具都想拿一遍,galgame所有结局都要通一遍的半强迫症形玩家丧失玩下去的动力。 还有汉化问题。游戏是全英文的,评论里有说是汉化版,但我在调整设置的时候,也没见到语言:中文 一类的内容。英文剧情基本还算能懂,但很多次单词查都查不到很可能是作者造出来的,对国外玩家来说又是非常麻烦的地方。
