迷你世界: 联机像素积木沙盒游戏 7.0分

#修复了卡顿和影响游戏体验的多个BUG,卡顿。完美的升级! #保持您的网络连接,否则无法进入多人游戏! #第一次连接联网游戏需要下载资源比较慢。再次连接就很快了。而且不会卡。 #在连接服务器之前请先修改下您的名字,以免因为名字冲突而不能登录服务器! Exploration是经典的沙盒像素游戏。在一个开放的像素世界里面,你可以建造,挖矿以及合成各种物品。游戏有白天黑夜,有各种有趣的动物,怪物--他们会杀死你!你还可以进行多人联网游戏。 本游戏支持中文显示。如果你喜欢我的世界,生存战争,盒子世界,方块世界等游戏,你肯定也会喜欢这款! #Note: (For Some servers) The first time to connect to an online world may take some minutes, please wait. After that, everything will be great :) #Change your name when connecting to an online server. In the Hungry games, you enter a survival world. Block wall lock you at the center of the map. here's some notes can help you out: 1. Chests scattered randomly around the arena which contain useful weapons and items. 2. If you die, All you items will be lost and you start spectating. 3. You'll get hungry and start starving, so don't forget to eat/drink. In the Exploration: Worldcraft game, you can Explore, dig and build in a voxel world, build on the move, Dig blocks, Mine resources, Craft hundreds of items, Travel day and Survive at night! You can also build anything you can image, share world with friends via wifi or enter some online multiplayer world. This game is inspired by Minecraft and the like. This is lite version with some ads and some limits. BUY THE PRO VERSION FOR ONLY $1.99 : https://itunes.apple.com/app/id936393978 This game is inspired by Minecraft. How to play: Double tap: place node or use the selected item Long tap: dig the node Select blocks: double click inside the inventory ui to select all or half, (Note: double click outside the inventory ui will exit current ui) check helps in the game pause menu to learn more. please give us feedback, thank you!

